How can you help?
There is no doubt about it, we need your help to spread the word and to effect much needed change. We appreciate any help you are able to give. These are the ways you can get involved.

Fundraising is necessary to pay for expenses such as advertising, marketing and events. Without enough money, campaigns may not be able to run competitively or reach voters as effectively as someone with the power of a political party behind them. Independents are self funding, so the more money a candidate has, the more they can spend on marketing and other methods of reaching voters. Those are the main ways to build name recognition and boost a candidate's chances of winning. Donate here https://gofund.me/48fea118

Spread Awareness
We would appreciate all offers of help in spreading the word and making real change and positive progress for Windsor constituency. Would you consider delivering leaflets in your area or even display a poster on your property to show support? Maybe you enjoy social media and can share our posts to help spread the word? We have a huge task ahead in showing the people of Windsor constituency just how an Independent can effect real change without the constraints of party politics. Let's all pull together to put people before politics.

Get in touch
If you think you can help in any way, please get in touch using our contact page, or click here https://www.davidbuckleywindsor.co.uk/contact-7